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Mysterious death of Abraham Tewelde

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The Dark Face of Gedli

Its legacy
From archive: The ELF and EPLF leaders' crimes

Since 2001 Human Rights organizations, civic society, journalists and NGO have published enormous number of articles, reports, press statements etc. on prisoners and prison conditions in Eritrea. These can be found in the reports of Amnesty international, Reporters Without Borders, CJP and other Human Rights organizations, including on the, Awate and other Eritrean websites. In the mid-2000s ERHEA took the initiative to group together the resources of the various websites in order to make them more easily accessible to the public and thereby facilitate public awareness of the gross human rights violations being perpetrated in Eritrea. Since then, EHREA has built up a large resource that has been drawn upon by interested people and organisations from every part of the world.

To commemorate the 8th years of  18th September 2001, a brief chronological  of the dark side  of Gedli has been compiled by EHREA. It recalls the victims of the EPLF and ELF leaders on this day. The crimes against innocent citizens did not begin in 2001 by the PFDJ but has roots going back to the 1960s. This brief history aims to  draw lesson from the past. The lack of democratic practice and intolerance of dissent by former Eritrean revolutionary leaders became entrenched after the 1991 liberation and have continued with further repression, human rights violation and injustices. Lesson need to be learnt from past negative experiences such as Gedli. The reconciliation and  unity   among   civic society groups has to be built on a clear understanding of past mistakes and on a rejection of anti-democratic practices. Only on that basis can the Eritrean people's  victory over the present autocratic government be assured.    

Jebha and shaebia are the two sides of the same coin.

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Researched and compiled by Resoum Kidane [18/09/09]

Crimes committed by the ELF Leaders

Brief Note
Crimes committed by the EPLF Leaders

When Haraka had a plan to wage military activity inside Eritrea against the Ethiopian army in 1965, the leader of Haraka received a warning from the ELF spokesman, Osman S. Sabbe, who pointed out that a liberation front already existed and told Nawud that his organization should unite with it or face elimination.  Despite this warning the ELM leaders dispatched a force of 50 armed men to the Sahel to fight the Ethiopians in May 1965, and six the ELM armed forced were killed by an armed contingent from the ELF force at Ela Tsada, in 1965 (Mengisteab, 2005; Bereketeab, 2000; Patemem 1990, Paice 1994, Iyob 1995, Shinn 2004). This happened due to the ELF Supreme Council's decision to take military action against the movement. According to Ahmed Mohammed Nasir who replaced Idris Mohammed Adem as chairman, in 1975 the chief reason for the ELF attacking the ELM (Harakat) in 1965 was its belief that the Field could support only one organisation [ Bereketeab, 2000 :184). added that Idris Mohammed Adem in particular, dislike the stretegy of the ELM to broaden its organisation through recuriting Christians. Because of this attitude of the founding leaders of the ELF religious anatonism was fanned leaving a legacy of reional and ethnic division which has left some traces among the leaders of current opposition groups.

The death of Abrham Towelde is still shrouded in secret. Alem Tesfay 2003 explained the cause which led to the death of Abrha Twelde in the following way. "After Issays came back to the Ala groups from the meeting he held with members of the CIA, Issayas decided to split from the ELF. As a result of this there was an argument with Abraham Twelde who was against such move and also disagrred over the talks with the Americans and the Ethiopians. After a month of arguments between them Abraham Twelde died suddenly on 17 May 1970, which is still a secret for most of us.” Concerning this Erlich (1988: 97), states that one of Issays's main rivals in the rebel movement was poisoned to death. After Abraham Twolde death, Issays succeeded to the leadership of the group and took steps to split from the ELF.

Some victimes of Osman Hshal

Ghilai, 1967

The Supreme Council of the ELF leadership instead of working for the unity of the Eritrean Liberation Army deliberately divided it by region and ethnicity through establishing five military zones based on a territorial division in 1965.  The regional-based military structure had created mutual suspicion and hatred among the fighters and its consequence can be seen  in 1967 when Osman Hishal, deputy commander of the fifth zonal division, summarily executed 27 Christian fighters alleging poor performance or for the military setback from which they suffered(Paice 1994; Markakis, 2987; Sherman, 1980, Human Rights Watch 1990) Amar (1997:82) also mentioned that Ghilai who was a political cadre in the 5th Zone was also killed by an ELF unit leaders,in 1967. Probably he was one of those 27 victims who were excuted by Osman Hisha. Abdalla Idris was the head commander of the fifth zone who is responsible for the massacre of these fighters. As a result of the ELF leaders use relgious prejdue and regionalism large numbers of ELF fighters were captured or gave themselves up to the Ethiopia government during 1967-1968. This gave an opprtunity for Ethiopia to publicize that the Eritrean nationalist struggle was as a religious and tribal insurgency led by Islamic fanatic.

Kidane Kiflu joined the ELF in the mid 1960s and was working at the ELF office in Kessala. According to some source during this time Kidane had been sent by the ELF to recruit Addis Abeba University in 1965. From then students from Addis Abeba University started to join the armed struggle. In 1969 Wolde Ghidey and Kidane Kiflu were assasinated in Kessala by the ELF.



Tuke'e was recurited to the Eritrea Liberation Movement (Haraka) in 1959 and was active member of the ELM from 1959-1965. In 1965 he joined the ELF after the demise of the ELM(Harakat), and he was with the ELF from 1965-1969. However, in 1969 he became disillusioned by the assassination of his colleague Wolde Ghidey and Kidane Kiflu in Kessala and he joined the EPLF in 1970, but was killed by the EPLF in 1971


Meles Ghebermariam who was formerly an activist at the Haile Selassie I University, joined the Selfi Nasnet from overseas. After serving as a ganta(platoon) commissioner, he was suddenly apprehended in 1973, and executed. Tewolde Tesfamariam, who joined from Hamburg in 1972, was also executed. Both of them were alleged by the EPLF leaders to have been foreign agents, and particularly that the working for the CIA. According Mengisteab, during the menka movement, Issays group within Selfi Nasnet spread the rumour that there were up to one hundred and fifty CIA agents within the movement (Megiesteab Kidane 2005:49). The Selfi Nasnet, a totalitarian organization from its inception, had some sort of cubbyhole for everybody. In the beginning, suspects and victims were mostly from the semi-proletariat class, according to the Marxist lexicon. Intellectuals appeared immune from the witch-hunting. This temporary reprieve did not last long .(Zekere Lebonna - Feb 02, 2004    ).

As mentioned  in the previous note  from 1966 onward there was a growing number of Eritrean students who joined to the struggle.  Markakis explained this by saying that Eritreans at Addis Abeba university distingushed themselves by their political activism, and their immersion in the radical ideological currents that were beginning to surge in Ethiopian student circles in the mid 1960s(National and class Conflict in the Horn-1985, p119). But students were not welcome by the Kiada Al Ama. For example in 1969 between 200 and 300 students who joined to the ELF from Addis Abeba University were executed. Issayas was one of the member of Kiada al Ama leadership who is responsible for the massacre of those students ( Siriyet Addis)in 1969. By some accounts, between two hundred and three hundered Christian fighters and fifty Christian peasants were executed at the behest of the ELF leadership ( Megisteab 2005:42).

In the early 1970s when many progressive Eritrean students from Haile Sellase I University and abroad joined the EPLF they were also not welcome to the leadership. Most of the students who came from university in Ethiopia were more progressive fighter than those who separated from ELF and were seen as potentially a rival ideological force. .As Mengsteab (2005:51) claims “According to some accounts, Isaias was never comfortable with the new arrivals from Addis Ababa, especially with Mussie and Yohannes".
The Menka ringleaders were arrested on 31 -12-1973 and  were  executed in 1975. This was after a
military court imposed the death penalty  for  Menka ringleader: Musie, Yohannes, Tareke, Afworki, Teklu and others.   Mesfin Hago was  among  the members of the military court responsible for the death of the Menka ringleaders in 1975.  Regarding this Fitwi in his interview with Aida mentioned that,   the EPLF leadership spoke publicly told about Menka  ringleaders  executions before or after the time of the EPLF Congress 1977. [Read full story]

In the early 1970s there was a question about the death of Dr Fistum in the ELF. Dr Fitsum could be one of of the Addis Ababa University students who was recruited by Kidane Kiflue in the mid 1960. In 1970 Dr Fitsum and other members of GUES accused Kiyada Ama (ELF leadership) of murdering Kidane and Giday. This was at the meeting of Eritrean students in Munich in the summer which Dr Fistum chaired. After this meeting member of GUES split into two group. However, Dr Fistum joined the ELF which was the probable cause of his mysterious death in 1971. Huri Tedla who was one of the supporters of the ELF at the Munich meeting in 1970, and in 1971 who became vice chair man of the ELF was probably  behind the conspiracy which lead to Dr Fistum killing by the ELF fighter(Abrahale) in 1971.
He was a member of the ‘other’ 19-person Executive Committee  Elected by 1st ELF Congress in 1971.


Mahmoud Ibrahim Muhammad Saeed (Chekini)
He was the political envoy of zone two (during the period (end 1965 when the ELF divided the Eritrean forces into 4 military administrative zones and then 5). He went to China for training with the first group who went there.

Regarding his death according to the ELF " he was killed (martyred) during the first Eritrean civil war. So, Eritrean lost a brave, intelligent and nationalist hero, in a useless civil war. He had the qualities of promising leadership.". However, according to a reliable sourceMahmoud ibrahim -chekini was murdered in the Sahel, 1971. He was a member of the ‘other’ 19-person Executive Committee  Elected by 1st ELF Congress in 1971.

Habte Selassie was executed for having allegedly “spied” for the Ethiopian Government and the CIA in 1975. Regarding this Ammar (2004) states that Habte-Selassie was killed for having  know to much about the meetings at Kagnew Station and the differences that emerged among the leaders of the faction. Indeed Habte Selassie played an active role in organizing the meetings at Kagnew Station with Tesfa Michael Georgo. Tesfa Michael Georgo was killed by the EPLF in Addis Abeba in 1993 also for having know the secret talk which was held between Issays and Richard Copeland, from the CIA .(According to some source his true name is Miles Copeland who reruited Abdel Nasser) Find more about the story of Issayas secret meeting with the CIA representative in the early 1970.

Tesfu Kidane & Debesai Gebreselassie were executed in 1979 at Arag, when Ali Said was the Head of “Halewa Sewra”Gestapo section of the EPLF 1977 -1987

In 1977 the conflict between those who were seeking greater democracy (the Falul movement) and the ELF leaders who were against change led the ELF leaders to take military action against the Falul.

Debesai & Tesfu 1973-1979

Abdul kadir Rohmedan 1978

Abdu Muhammad Ali Raji

He was martyred along with martyr Abdul Kader Ramadan. It was said that they were killed by “Falul”.

Keshi (2003) states that Seyoum Harasta (who became the ELF-RC Chairman after Ahemed Nassir) grew faster through the rank and file of the old ELF than anybody else. He became the mouthpiece of ELF leaders in campaigning against the grassroots movement in 1977. In the 1970s the victms of the ELF leaders were not only Falul but also those fighters who crticized the leadership of the ELF. Those who were eliminated under different cover up Yemin, Dugul Yemin, Dugul Falul).

Wodi Woldu was released from Halewa Sewra after 5 years of imprisonment in 1979. This was after his self-criticism for being actively involved in the 1973  Menka movement . However, a year after his release news came about his tragic death. According to the EPLF, Wodi Woldu was killed in a road accident somewhere in Arag road while he was on honeymoon

The mysterious death of Wodi Woldu 1980

Dehab Tesfatsion& Aberash Melke were reportedly discharged (terefiten) . However, there has not been any news about them from their friends or relatives since then . According to a reliable source both of them refused political indoctrination and self-criticism consequently   executed  at Gerger (Belekat) in 1979, This was when Wodi Woldu and other who participated in the Menka movement were released from Halewa Sewra[ EPLF’s prison ] after their self-criticism in 1979.

Woldenkel Haile  was a very distinguished military leader. He made clear his stand on the Menka ringleaders when he was the head of the security department in 1973. Woldenkel said that the Menka ringleaders did not commit a crime apart from breaking military discipline rule. This was completely different from Issayas.

As a consequence of this Weldekel was  removed from the EPLF security Department and sent to the Hailitat in 1974 . Furthermore  he was  not elected for the Central Committee in 1977 which was a surprise to everyone. Others faithful to Issayas became members.  Weldekel was the most well-known military leader next to Ibrahim Afa and had led the Eritrea People’s Liberation Army to victory at the strategic town of Segeneti in 1977 but Woldenkele was killed shortly after the victory by an unidentified gunman at Segeneti, his birth place in 1977. When this occurred there was a radio message in this code " Itia Abai Lham Ab Mereta Wediqa", meaning that the great leader rest on his birth place.

Similar to the 11 former government ministers and EPLF leaders (G15) who were  arrested 2001, Tewolde Eyob was arrested, in 1975 without having committed any crime.   Tewelde was arrested as a result of a conspiracy by Mesfin Hagos and Solomon W/Mariam after he disagreed with them and other members of the EPLF leadership over the arrest of the ringleaders of Menka . Tewolde who split from the ELF
in 1969  said that in terms of respect for justice he could not see any difference between the ELF and EPLF leaderships. Consequently  he, too, was  arrested in 1975 and   was executed in 1980.

Meharena Hadgu who was a former   prisoner  described Tewelde Iyob and  the circumstance how was he arrested  in the following  words

He said let us democratically solve the situation. When it was said this movement was destructive, Tewelde said no, this is a conflict only not a destructive one and we can lead them to the right way, it is not a criminal charge, but was said he
too was against Shabia and eliminated.
The Menka movement started in September and Isayas talked of it in January. A paper is lost written by Tewelde Eyob "at Adobha meeting we claimed our youth were killed and we condemned the ELF. This will be our everlasting condemnation, the case must met democratically changed." He was charged to becoming Menka and secretly demoted from top leadership post. He was imprisoned in June or July of 1974 and killed like the Menka. We all knew he was killed. Nothing is kept secret forever. Some secrets are known from leaders.

Tewolde Eyob 1975-1980

In late 1977  Petros Yohannes joined  the EPLF  together  with Yemane Monkey and Girma Asmerom from the USA.  When Petros was member of ENASA in the USA, he  had started inquiring about the injustice of the Menka group's arrest. Because of this he  became a target of the EPLF that eventually caused to his mysterious death in 1978.
Petros probably came to the field to work with Andebrehan who was the head of the English editorial board at the EPLF's Department of information in the field.  Shortly after he arrived to the field he went for tour with Yemane
Monkey and Grima. While they were in their journey came the tragic news that Petros had been killed in a road accident somewhere between Ginda and Decemhara. This was
the EPLF version. There remains a suspicion about how in such a serious accident Yemane and Girma survived unharmed?

Mengisteab  with  other  members of EFLNA participated in the EPLF Organisation’s first congress in the beginning of 1977.  In 1979 the EPLF attituted toward the Soviet was raised. The  undemocratic culture of the EPLF was criticised by member of ENASA.  This protest movement is known in the history of the EPLF's   Na  Semien America Menkiskase.( North America Movement) . Mengisteab Yisaq, the chair of EFLNA/ENASA was also strongly critical of the EPLF foreign policy for not denouncing the Soviet Union. For this reason Megisteab became a target and was murdered by the pro EPLF group in ENASA. Hagos kisha who was a member of this group  continued his destructive role by splitting the ENASA and condemning the Mengisteab Yisaq's group. He was also involved  in collaboration with the EPLF leaders  in asking  Tewdros Hadgebes who was from the Mengisteab Yisaq's group  to visit the field(Meda) where he was   executed on 21/2/80 at the EPLF's prison Halewa Sewra. Read full story of this

Azieb  a former member of the ENASA  described   the EPLF in the following  words  
"Shabia has a long history of killing its own people. Had  the ELF-NA (6) been in the field in Eritrea, they, too would have been  Shabia victims, just like Menka"
.               Afwork, Azieb  (  2002)


Many of  the university  graduates or students who newly joined the EPLF  in 1975 became victims of the EPLF leaders because   either they were educated or had links with the leader of the Bitsay Menkiskas,   Goitom Berhe. Goitom Berhe  a law graduate of Addis Ababa  joined  the EPLF  in 1972
and translated a number of Marxist works to Tigrigna in 1975 .
According to Fitwi (2004) Goitom  wrote an article 'Who is the revolutionary?' handwritten in 30 pages. I and Alem Abraha read it at night with kerosene lamp, though it was forbidden to read the article. About two weeks from then, Goitom was taken away and never seen again. Alem Abraha was soon taken and killed. As Fitwi stated,   in 1976 Goitom Berhe with his group were arrested  on allegation of forming an
underground movement called 'the Eritrean Revolutionary Party’and  for his opposition to the arrest of   Menka leaders,. Following  his arresting  all  the  literatures he translated were collected and burnt in 1976 ,
Goitom and other  suspected ring-leaders were executed in 1980.     Regarding this, Sherman( 1980:64) stated that in 1976 perhaps as many as 200 young EPLF   intellectuals were arrested. Many were executed for “radicalism” for
following an alleged Maoist line or sometime known as Bitsay Menkiskas. Some of the victims included: Goitom Berhe, executed in 1978 at Gerger; 2)Mesih Russom, executed in 1980 at Arag ;3) Tewolde Eyob, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 4)Teclai Ghebre-Kristos, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 5)Michael Bereketeab,executed in 1980 at Arag ; 6) Haile Yohannesom, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 7) Samuel Ghebre-Dingil, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 8)Bereket Haile, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 9) Memhir Tecle Habte-Tsion, executed in 1980 at Arag ;10 Alem Abraha, executed in 1980 at Arag and others.

In 1978 there was  another  policy of purge and liquidation  against Solomon and his group within the EPLF which will be mentioned briefly later. By coincident in the
same year, there was also the declaration of war on the alleged Yemanwi kinfi (right wing) in 1978 by the ELF leadership in which many patriots were killed and liquidated by special ELF units in Dankalia. Among them were those 10 veterans ELF fighters who were killed by the ELF force in a place called Ibbi, Dankalia on 22 May 1978 were
1)Saed Hussien co-founder of the ELF in Cairo in 1960, 2)Omer M. Suba, 3)Ahmed Ibrahim 4) Omer M.Omer5)Haji Saleh 6)Ibrahim Mahder
7)M.Mansur 8) M.Shedeli Ismail 9)Abdu Idris A. 10)Adem Ibrahim Al Haj


The liquidation of the 10 veterans ELF fighters were confirmed by Ahemed Naser who was the chair man of the ELF at that time in the following
We foiled this reactionary project by resolutely liquidating these elements on May 22, 1978. The Eritrean Liberation Army units assigned this duty executed it perfectly.” One of those martyrs was Hussen the founder of the ELF in Cairo with Taha. Referring the ELF liquidation policy in 1970s there is also a report from other source about individual fighters who questioned the ELF leadership’s corruption and division were placed into the security’s hand and interrogated, imprisoned, tortured and killed

In the EPLF there was also a policy of purge and liquidation  on the alleged Yemanwi kinfi (right wing) in 1978. Yemanawyan Menkiskas was the continuation of the democratisation movement. This movement against corruption in 1977-1978 was when most of the town had been liberated by the EPLF.Among those fighters killed for criticism against corruption of the EPLF leaders 1) Dr Eyob Ghebre-leul, educated in the USSR, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 2) Mehari Ghirma-Tsion, educated in the USSR who joined the EPLF withHaile Menkorias 1972, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 3) Ghebre-Michael Meharizghi; Addis Abeba university graduate, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 4) Hibret Tesfa-Ghaber, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 5) Kidane Abeito, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 6) Fissehaye Kidane (Germen), executed in 1980 at Arag ; 7) Haile Jebha, former EPLF interrogation section chief, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 8) Araya Semere, executed in 1980 at Arag ; 9) Ammanuel Filansa; 10) Solomon Wolde-Mariam, key EPLF leader between 1970-1977,executed in 1988 at Hishkeb and, others. Mogos Fassil, Addis Ababa law graduate, narrowly escaped death by fleeing from gun-point.

Dr Eyob & his fellows 1978-1980

Solomon Woldemariam
was one of the members of the EPLF
leadership between 1970 and 1977.  As mentioned earlier he played a key role with Mesfin Hagos  in the arrest of Twolde Iyob in 1975. A year after Twolde was arrested, Solomon became a next target of Issayas and Mesfin Hagos during a period of preparation for the EPLF first organisational congress in 1976, and there was a strong campaign with Cader School (Bet temherti cader) against Solomon  and his group such as Tesfamariam Wedi Basha(who is currently Eritrea's ambassador to Israel)  on the alleged Yemanwi .
kinfi (right wing) by students at the school. As a result this campaign Solomon was not elected for the EPLF leadership or Central Committee at the EPLF's first organisational congress in 1977. After two years he was arrested through a conspiracy of Ali Yasina in 1979 and was executed in 1983. During the period that Solomon had been  in the leadership and  the head of Halewa Sewra many innocent fighters including Menka group were his victims. According  him a large number of people were killed during he was in the leadership and the head of Halewa . He added that around one thousand fighters who participated in the Menka movement were rehabilitated after undergoing serious political indoctrination and self-criticism ( Mengiseab,49:2005)
Regarding this when he was asked about them by the public at the meeting in Keren in 1978, he admitted that all of them were innocents.  

In 1985 the death of Ibrahim Afa also raised another question whether he was killed by the enemy or by EPLF special unit force. Some people believe that the circumstances of Ibrahim Afa's death are not clear( Dawit, Daniel, 2001); others believe that Isayas Afwerki killed his long-time comrade. Ibrahim Afa (VKP, 2003). Ibrahim Afa’s death has become a matter of controversy (Pool, 2001). There is also some people believe that the military training centre at Sawa which is called "Medeber Tailim Ibrahim Afa" ( Ibrahim Afa Military Training Centre) is in fact a cover up for the mysterious circumstances of Ibrahim Afa’s death. Read more

In 1981 Abdella Idris was defeated by his long rival Issayas and lost power inside Eritrea. In 1982 Abdella Idris took military action against his opponents, the leaders of the ELF-RC, and Melake Tekele was killed by Abdella Idris.Since then both the ELF and ELF.RC leaders have become the main rival leaders within the opposition which caused a rift between the ELF RC and ENA in 2002 and The spilt of EDA in 2007

In the 1980s Said Saleh, Woldedawit Temesgen, Idris Hangela, Mahmud Hasseb Haile Garz and others were also killed by the EPLF security inside Sudan. Although there is no written information about the ELF crime inside Sudan in the1980s, the ELF wasn’t innocent from committing crimes inside Sudan in the1980s. Haile Garza was killed with the conspiracy of the ERA head by the EPLF security in 1987 just after returining from the Conference which was held in more

ELF and EPLF leaders who should be blamed for the death of 3000 fighters in the civil war 1972-1974Abdalla Idris Mohammed, ELFsecond vice president
Herui Tedla Bairu, ELF first vice president

Issayas, ELF-PLF (Ala group) leader
Idris Mohamed Adem, ELF Presiden Osman.S.Sabbe, EPLF Foreign Mission

ኢሰያስ እቲ ዕሉል ገበነኛ

Some victims of Issayas during 1970s and 1980s listed by Alem Tesfay 2003
Teklay Aden, an EPLF security chief who defected to the Ethiopian regime in 1981,  revealed that three thousand fighters were physically liquidated by the Front between 1973 and the time of his defection 1980.

Exculpating Jebha

ንጀብሃ ካብ ገበን ሓራ ምግባር

ኣብ'ቲ መስርሕ ዕደና ኣልማዝ ኮንጎ ዛየር ካብ ዝተረሸኑ ዝርዝር ኣስማት ተጋደልቲ፦

EPLF's History of Mysterious Deaths
Mengisteab (2005: 50) the number of fighters physically eliminated by the Front between 1973 and the liberation of Eritrea in 1991, could range between three thousand and five thousand, if those fighters who disappeared under mysterious circumstances are included

On the 48th year of the beginning of the armed struggle for national liberation. the The Eritrean people urge former ELF leaders, Member of Revolutionary Council and senior caders or devoted member of the Front who are in the leadership within the oppostion groups outside these groups to acknowledge their responsibility in the past crimes

Ibrahim Mohammed Ali made a personal call on every Eritrean political figure “ to admit past mistakes and excesses in a straightforward manner and openly condemn those crimes and excesses committed [by him or] in his name against or against individuals the Nation
ኢ ብራሂም ከም ጲላጦስ ኢዱ ሕጹብ እዩ ነይሩ ተባሂሉ ተመስኪሩሉ ኢዩ


Ibrahim Mohamed Ali, Urges Eritrean Politicians to Admit Past Mistakes, Excesses
Arabic version



On the 8th year of commemoration of the 18th September 2001.The Eritrean people urge former EPLF leaders, member of Central Committee and senior caders or devoted member of the Front who are in the oppostion groups or outside these groups to acknowledge their past crimes

The most criminal leader in the EPLF

Crime committed and collaborated by the EPLF Leaders

Legacy of Gedli


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