Prisoners death records  







Mysterious death of Ibrahim Afa
Mysterious death of Abraham Tewelde

Liquidation in the ELF
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Prisoners of religious groups

Pastor Haile Naizgi
  The Intorable Suffering of Eritrean Evangelicals        
  Imprisoned Protestant Pastors      
  Haile Naizgi Eritrean Full Gospel Church    
  Eritreans call on their government to release christian prisoners of conscience    
  Persecution of Evangelical Christians
  883 Christians in prison    
  ERITREA: Religious Persecution    
  Gospel singer Helen Berhane released  

Helen Berhane) (Video) [ ] [AI:Helen Berhane - Eritrea]
[Helen Berhane hospitalised in Asmara  

Dr.Kifle Gebremeskel
  Eritrean campaign against churches continues
More Christians Arrested; Imprisoned Pastors may Face Treason Charges  
16 Pastors, 900 Christians in Jail in Eritrea  
Number Of Christian Prisoners Doubles      
Religious prisoner count tops 1,900      
Eritrean Task Force aims to purge country of Christians    

Eritrea doubles number of Christian prisoners [Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel]

Martyred for the independence of Eritrea and Reverend Dr. Kiflu Ghebremeskel

Pastor Tesfatsion Hagos
Eritrean Pastors Still Jailed
Evangelicals: unregistered christian churches in Eritrea
Closure of Finoteh Berhan church and destruction of the church property    
Bibles and other spiritual books were collected and set on fire by government forces in broad daylight
Pastor Kidane Gebremeskel
Hoping for spring in Eritrea  

Pastor Kidane Gebremeskel

Eritrea Arrests Five More Evangelicals
Religious Persecution Christian Persecution in Eritrea (Featuring
Eritrea Arrests Five More Evangelicals Christian Prisoners in Eritrea
Eritrea: The Number of Christian Prisoners Doubles

Musie Yemane

Musie Yemaneis in prison for nine years. They put him to prison along with his Brother SEMERE Yemane. Musie left his wife and two kids, and he is behind bars for 9 years. What is his crime? Just because he is a follower of Christ and exercise his faith boldly. Let us remember them in our prayers. Let us feel the pain of their family. Let us put ourselves into their position. May God keeps you safe Musie hawey and others.

Mussie Eyob was detained by Saudi authorities, on the 12th of February, for preaching outside a mosque in an area of Jeddah locally known as Haya Roda. His action is said to normally carry a death sentence under Saudi law, however following concerted appeal on his behalf he was deported to his native Eritrea only to disappear into Eritrea’s vast prison system where many Eritrean pastors and evangelists have been detained incommunicado for nearly nine years. [Read more]


Pastor Oqbamikael

Pastor Oqbamikael Teklehaimanot - detained without charge or any due process since 2007 (previously jailed twice in 2003/04 and 2005).
Pastor Oqbamikael was a teacher at Kale Hiwot Church school in Dekemhare much loved by his students


Teame Weldegebriel

Teame Weldegebriel has been in prison in Eritrea for over 10 years because of his Christian faith, his friends are asking the rest of us to stand with him and remember him in our prayers and be a voice for him and many others
  Pastor Kidane Woldei

Eritrea: Treatment of Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians by authorities

Kidane Weldu was arrested in a central street in the capital
Prominent Eritrean Pastor Disappears in Asmara
16 pastors among nearly 900 christian in jail in 2005
Eritrea Jails another 31 Christians
ERITREA: 1,700 Christians in prison in 2005    
 Prisoner of conscience/Torture or ill-treatment/Detention without charge,2005
 Prisoners of Conscience / Torture or ill-treatment, 2004
Eritreans Call On their Government to Release Christian Prisoners of Conscience.
Pastor Abraham Belay

Christian Prisoners in Eritrea

Three More Evangelical Christians Arrested in Eritrea    
Eritrea Cracks Down on Evangelical Christians
Up to 1800 Christians are currently being detained in Eritrea
More Evangelicals in Eritrea Arrested    
Christian dies in military jail
3,000 Christians imprisoned in Eritrea
Pray With 141 Christians, Including 14 Children, Arrested in Eritrea
Patriarch Antonios
(Orthodox Priest)  

ኣብ ደምበ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስትያን ሓደገኛ ኩነታት ተባሪዑ

Patriarch Antonios Under Arrest
Biography of His Holiness Patriarch Antonios
Patriarchs Adviser Arrested
Eritrea Imposes New Controls on Orthodox Church
Eritrean government sending ministers to military training camps
Prisoner of conscience:Abune Antonio A Familiar Crime in the name of the Eritrean Orthodox Church
The Eritrean Orthodox Church
ገበነኛ ዮፍታሄ ቤተ ክርስትያን ተዋህዶ ንምብትታን ንኤውረጳ ይብገስ
Ortodoksawyan kabasmera Another Eritrean Priest Forced Into Hiding
Statement by :His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim ዓመጻት ህግደፍ አብ ልዕሊ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስትያን ኤርትራ
    Patriarch Antonios of Eritrea: An Icon of St. Paul in Chains
Reverend Gebremedhin Gebreghiorghis
ናዕቢ ኦርተዶክሳውያን ኣብ ኤርትራ ይቕጽል ኣሎ Christian Persecution in Eritrea (Featuring

Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus

In chains for his faith since November 2004.

source [Eritrean Christians and Their Persecution]

Three More Orthodox Church Leaders Jailed
list of imprisoned clergymen
Eritrean authorities arrest Pastor Ukbamichael, for the third time in five years.

Orthodox Scholar,Merigeta Yitbarek Berhe (Orthodox Priest)

Merigeta Yitbarek in chains for his faith since early 2006. He has never been charged with any offense nor allowed visitation by family. No reports of his whereabouts source [Eritrean Christians and Their Persecution]

Aba Semereab,Part1 interview


Reverend Gebremedhin in chains for his faith since November 2004. He has never been charged with any offense,  nor allowed visitation by family. No reports of his whereabouts. [Eritrean Christians and Their Persecution]

Fr. Dr. Tekleab Mengisteab[Orthodox Priest]

In chains for his faith since November 2004. He has never been charged with any offense nor allowed visitation by family.No reports of his whereabouts.[source [Eritrean Christians and Their Persecution] ስብከት፥ ብዶ/ር ተኽለኣብ መንግስትኣብ[video]

Dr. Tekleab Mengisteab in chains since 2004 and incommunicado

ዶክተር ቀሺ ተኽለኣብ መንግስተኣብ፡
ካብ ጊዜ ንእስነቶም ጀሚሮም ኣብ ቤተ ክርስትያን መካነ ህይወት መድሃኔ ዓለም እዮም ዓብዮም። ኣብ ርእሲ ካህን ኮይኖም ምግልጋሎም፡ መንእሰያት ብኣፍልጦ ትምህርቲ ሃይማኖት ዝዓብዩሉ ጻዕሪ ካብ ዘካየዱ ክህናት ሓደ እዮም። read



Forty-eight Jehovah’s Witnesses imprisoned in Eritrea
Tekle Tesfai
Letter from President to Ali Said Abdalls 25-10-94
Nine Long Years in Eritrean Prison Camp
Isaac Mogos
Three Jehovah's Witnesses held since 1994
 The defenseless Jehovah's Witnesses

Fifty-eight imprisoned Jehovah’s Witnesses


Paulos Eyassu

    Three Jehovah's Witnesses held since 1994

Minority faiths in Eritrea - Thousands imprisoned, some still not charged with any crime

Negede Teklemariam
   Three Jehovah's Witnesses held since 1994
Eritrea: Putting A New Face On Religious Intolerance  
Semere Zaid



Eritrean University Lecturer Arrested
Semere Zaid arrested without charges.
Prisoners of conscience: Semere Zaid (m), university lecturer,
University Lecturer Semere Zaid Arrested
The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country

Fr. Dr. Fitzum Ghebre has never been charged with any offense nor allowed visitation by family. No reports of his whereabouts [source Eritrean Christians and Their Persecution


Eritrea: Treatment of Bahai members and the position of the Bahais regarding conscientious objection to military service (2000 to August 2004)

   Detention of Muslims
   List of Detainees from Ansar El Suna group; Full Gospel and Orthodox Church
   Christian Pastor, Scores of Muslims Jailed
   Eritrean gov't detains Muslims for opposing interference in religion

Eritrean cracks down on religion even more as woman dies in detention center

   Authorities arrest 80-member Presbyterian Congregation
ኣልማማዊ ማእሰርቲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣመንቲ እስልምና

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