Prisoners death records  







Mysterious death of Ibrahim Afa
Mysterious death of Abraham Tewelde

Liquidation in the ELF
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     European parliament resolution on human rights violations in Eritrea
    Speech at the 54th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
    Human rights of parliamentarians 173rd Governing Council session
    Eritrea Resolution adopted by the 175th
    Resolution adopted unanimously by the Governing Council at its 176th session
    Eritrea:Repression of Religious Freedom, Torture, Arbitrary Detention
    Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence:the UK Parliament
    African Commission urges Eritrea to free prisoners
    Draft Religious Persecution in Eritrea
    Campaign Letter Used by AI &ndash 17 Nov 200
    European parliament resolution on human rights violations in Eritrea
    Petitions signed by the US congress for Aster (06/01/05)
     Prominent U.S journalists call for release of jailed Eritrean editor
    11 May 2005 Congressman Criticizes Eritrea's Human-Rights Record
    Petition presented to Pope Benedict's Office
    Petition on the Adi Abeyto Massacre (8 November 2004 )

    Amnesty International Urgent Action Appeal