Prisoners death records  







Mysterious death of Ibrahim Afa
Mysterious death of Abraham Tewelde

Liquidation in the ELF
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Call on the Eritrean Government to Report on the Disappeared Prisoners of Conscience
 Eritrea: A Call for Freedom
    300 Eritrean nationals detained in Libya
    Sign the petition for the release of ten Eritrean journalists
    Free Aster Homepage
    ACAS Action Alert: Aster
    Petition by former supporters of EPLF
    Remembering Eritrean Prisoners of Conscience
    Remember those who gave their lives for freedom and democracy
    The Cries for Freedom (Part 6)
    Campaign Letter Used by AI &ndash 17 Nov 200
    Petition to Free Eritrean Journalist Fesshaye "Joshua" Yohannes
    Amnesty International Local Group #489, Tempe Arizona
    Petitions signed by the US congress for Aster (06/01/05)
     Prominent U.S journalists call for release of jailed Eritrean editor
    11 May 2005 Congressman Criticizes Eritrea's Human-Rights Record
    Petition presented to Pope Benedict's Office
    Petition on the Adi Abeyto Massacre (8 November 2004 )

     Amnesty International Urgent Action Appeal


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