Cairo 14/5/54

Honoured Professor, the present or future political condition of our
country is very serious. Our people had longed, and much struggled, to find
that state of bliss which is called freedom and democracy and which is now
constantly receding like a mirage. The conductor has been changed and the
music goes from bad to worse. That wonderful constitution given by the
United Nations has remained a dead letter. And there is no-one who pays any
attention to exiles. A man is arrested in the street without law or ordinance
and is imprisoned without justice and leaves prison without justice. As proof
it is possible to cite the injustice against Dejatch Abraha Tessemma and his
family, of which you will have heard.
Be that as it may, although all these trials may afflict us, hope will never be
severed from us. We shall fight until there exist freedom and democracy in our
country. It is our complete faith that God will liberate us from these hyenas
and from these Philistines, and that, having begun, he will carry through his
work of liberation.
Honoured Professor: Please give my best regards to your honoured wife.
May God grant me to see you again.
Your pupil
