Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes Woldemichael was born on September 27,
1935, in Segeneiti, Eritrea, to his late parents Colonel Yohannes
Woldemichael and Weizero Wagaye Berhe. After completing his
elementary education in Segeneiti, he was among the first batch of
Eritrean students allowed to go beyond the 4th grade, which was the limit
imposed by Italian Colonialism. He attended BietGergish in Asmera and
completed middle school there.
He then completed teachers training and started working as a teache
r in both Asmera and Segeneiti. In May 1955, Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes got married to his wonderful
wife Weizero Tsigheroman Tesfazion Derres.
After working for 6 years as a teacher, Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes joined Ethiopian Airlines in 1956 and
worked in Addis-Ababa (Ethiopia) in various capacities, and as District Manager in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), and Accra (Ghana). In September 1977, Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes moved to the United States of America with his family and worked for Pan American and Delta Airlines until his retirement in 2008. While
working fulltime and supporting his family, Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes
earned an Advanced Business Administration Professional Certificate with
Distinction from Montgomery College in the State of Maryland.After a br
ief illness, Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes passed away peacefully on September 30, 2013, surrou
nded by his family and friends.
Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes was a man with a giant heart who touched
many lives. In his family and friends, he was known as a kind and lo
ving person. His loss is deeply felt by his family, friends and the Eritrean
community in the Washington D.C metro area.Mr. Tesfamariam Yohannes is survived by his wife Weizero Tsigheroman
Tesfazion, his 5 children Delilah, Sophia, Hellen, Daniel, and Wag
aye, 5 grandchildren Phenan, Joseph, Noah, Naomi and Alex, and those to whom
he was ‘Grand Pa’, Bruh, Merih, Loubnah, Meron, Zerhai, Iyobel, Isabelle
and Eliana.
May the Lord our God Almighty
source http://www.afronorway.com/blog/php/Aya-Tesfamariam.pdf
እቶም አከለ ትብሉ ልክዕ አለኩም እቶም ብ ዘርአይ ደረሰ ትውለድ ሓማ ትብሉ ውን ልክዕ አለኩም ነዚ ድማ እያ ዱጉፍቲ/ስዓብትን አሳሲና
ኤርትራ ክሓልፈላ ሓቋ ንዛረበላ
ሓጺር ታሪኽ ሂወት
ኣቶ ተስፋማርያም ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤል
ነፍስሄር ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤል ካብ ኣቡኦም ነፍሲሀር ኮሎኔል
ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤልን ኣዲኦም ነፍሲሀር ወይዘሮ ዋጋዬ በርሀን ብ27 መስከረም
1935 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ኣብ ከተማ ሰገነይቲ ተወሊዶም::
ዕድሚኦም ንትምህርቲ ምስ ኣኸለ: ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ናይ መባእታ
ትምህርቶም ኣብ ከተማ ሰገነይቲ ምስወድኡ ሓደ ካብቶም ቀዳሞት ኤርትራዊያን ካብቲ
ብመግዛእቲ ጥልያን ዝተወሰነ 4ይ ክፍሊ ንላዕሊ ንኽምሃሩ ዝተፈቐደሎም ኢዮም
ኔሮም:: ናይ ማእከላይ ደረጃ ትምህርቶም ኣብ ቤት-ገርጊሽ ኣስመራ ተማሂሮም:: ድሕሪ
ናይ መምሃራን ስልጠና ምውዳእ: ብ1951 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ኣብ ናይ ምምህርና ስራሕ ተዋፊሮም
ኣብ ኣስመራን ሰገነይትን ሚሂሮም::
ነፍስሄር ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ምስ ወይዘሮ ጽጌሮማ ተስፋጼን ደረስ ኣብ ወርሒ
ግንቦት 1955 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ቃል-ኪዳን ኣሲሮም: ን58 ዓመት ብፍቕርን ሓልዮትን ኣብ ቃል
ኪዳኖም ጸኒሖም::
ድሕሪ ናይ 6 ዓመት ናይ ምምህርና ኣገልግሎት: ካብ 1956 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ጀሚሮም ኣብ ናይ
መገዲ ኣየር ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ናይ ሓላፍነት ጽፍሕታት ኣብ ኣዲስ-ኣበባ
(ኢትዮጵያ): ዳርኤሰላም (ታንዛንያ): ከምኡ'ውን ኣክራ (ጋና) ብዝምስገን ኣገባብ
ኣገልግሎት ፈጺሞም:: ኣብ መስከረም 1977 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ናብ ኣሜሪካ ምስ ስድራቤቶም
ብምምጻእ: ምስ ፓን-ኣሜሪካን ቀጺሎም ከኣ ኣብ ናይ መገዲ ኣየር ደልታ ክሳብ 2008
ዓ.ም.ፈ. ንኣስታት 31 ዓመታት ሰሪሖም:: ነፍስሄር ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ኣብ
ትርፊ ጊዜኦም እንዳተማህሩ ካብ ሞንትጎመሪ ኮለጀ ብናይ ሞያዊ ምምሕዳር ብዝላዓለ
ነጥቢ ብዲፕሎማ ተመሪቖም::
ነፍስሄር ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ፈታዊን ኣኽባርን ሓዳሮምን፡ ኣፍቃርን ሓብሓብን
ስድራ-ቤቶምን፡ ሓጋዝን ኣላዪን ጹጉማትን ኢዮም ኔሮም።
ነፍስሄር ኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ኣብ መበል 78 ዕድሚኦም: ብዝሓደሮም ሕማም:
ብ30 መስከረም 2013 ዓ.ም.ፈ.: ናይ 58 ዓመት ናይ ፍቕርን ስኒትን በዓልቲ ኪዳኖም
ወይዘሮ ጽጌሮማ ተስፋጼን ደረስ: 5 ደቆም (ደሊላ: ሶፍያ: ሄለን: ዳኒኤል: ዋጋዬ): 5
ደቂ-ደቆም (ፍናን: ዮሴፍ: ኖህ: ናኦሚ: ኣሌክስ) ከምኡውን "ኣቦሓጎይ" እንዳበሉ
ዝጽውዑዎም (ብሩህ: መሪሕ: ሉብና: ሜሮን: ዘርኣይ: ኢዮቤል: ኢዛቤልን: ኤሊያናን)
ሓዲጎም: ካብ ሩሑቕን ቀረባን ብዝመጹ ቤተሰብን ፈተውትን ተኸቢቦም ኣብ
ዋሺንግተን ሆስፒታል ሰንተር ብሰላም ዓሪፎም::
ሉዑል ፈጣሪ ንኣቶ ተስፋማሪያም ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤል ኣብ ዝፋኑ ኣብ መንግስተሰማይ ይቀበሎም። ኣሜን::ሓጺር ታሪኽ ሂወት
ኣቶ ተስፋማርያም ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤልሓጺር ታሪኽ ሂወት
ኣቶ ተስፋማርያም ዮውሃንስ ወልደሚካኤል
ክረዲት ን ስድራቤቶም source https://www.facebook.com/timar.solomon
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