Hello Everyonegroup,
my name is Thomas T. I write you because of my cousin who is
detained in the Sinai region by Egypt smugglers. I searched for human rights
organisation who concern with this issue and therefore I found you on the internet.
My cousin has been detained for more than six weeks. His name is Meron Mehari.
He is between 20 and 25. The smugglers demand more then 40.000 $ for his release !!!
The smugglers contacted us with him a couple of times. But since more then 3 weeks
we don't have any contact with him. When we asked the smugglers where he is they said
that he is in a hospital right now because he is ill or they even contacted us with an other
kidnapp victim and claimed that it was my cousin althoug it was obvious that this was an other person
We dont know if he is still living or if he is already dead. Therefore I wanted to ask you
if you maybe can help us in all aspects. Whether it is a list of kidnapp victims, or anything
We would appreciate any help that we can receive.
Thank you very much for commitment to the terrible situation in the Sinai region.
Best Regards
Thomas T.