Grazmatch Ligiam Ishaq

Grazmatch Ligiam Ishaq was one of the most prominent Eritreans of his time. On top of
his capacity and responsibility as a senior government official during the British and
Ethiopian eras, he was also a distinguished author, interpreter and linguist in Eritrea.
Grazmatch Ligiam Ishaq Bemnet was born on November 1918 in Mihlab –

administrative seat of Mensa Biet-eshihaken located in Zoba Anseba from his father
Bashai Ishaq Bemnet Gergis and his mother Wezero Rebiba Tesfankiel Oqbamichael.
He was the first child of four sons and six daughters. He was raised by great parents
and his father Bashai Ishaq was one of the successful farmers in Mensa. Besides
several farming plots in various parts of Mensa, he also owned coffee, fruits & grain
growing commercial farm in Mirara. Moreover, he was a respected teacher in the
Evangelical Protestant community of Mensa.

In his early school life, Grazmatch Ligiam first went to a Catholic School in Mihlab and
then he went to Keren to join as a boarding student in the famous Zere-Kihenet Catholic
Seminary School where he studied both academic and clergical subjects. As a
promising young student he managed to become one of the few top students of his time
to travel to Rome, Italy for further studies. He was the pride of his family and his
community as he was one of the few Eritreans and most likely the first one from Mensa
Biet-eshihaken to go abroad for higher education during the Italian colonial era.
In 1937 he returned to Asmara, Eritrea. After few months, he landed a job in Banca
Cooperativa Populare Eritrea1 in Asmara as a ragioniere (accountant) due to his
impressive credentials and worked until April 1941. During the fascist Italian colonialist
era working as a professional accountant in a bank was quite an incredible

Since Ethiopia was under Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941, Banca Cooperativa
Populare Eritrea started expanding its branches in Ethiopia. Hence, in 1939 Grazmatch
Ligiam was one of those who were assigned to open the branch office in Gondar,
Ethiopia. After six months of duty in Gondar he came back to Asmara and got married
to Weizero Ellen Bilata Domenico Bahlibi2 and began enjoying a warm family life.