Amnesty International Group #612

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Petros Solomon

Petros Solomon and the "G15" Detainees

Please take action! Click here to print a sample letter to send to the Eritrean president on Petros' behalf. (International air mail postage is 90 cents.)

Since May 2006, Group #612 has called for the immediate and unconditional release of Petros Solomon, Eritrean prisoner of conscience.

2001 saw an emerging criticism within Eritrea’s only political party, the People’s Front for Democracy & Justice (PFDJ), of the way President Afewerki was running the country in general, and the party in particular. This dissent became public in May 2001 when a group of 15 senior party officials, including Petros Solomon, publicized their concerns in an open letter to PFDJ members. On the night of September 18, 2001, 11 of the 15 signatories were arrested. They have been held incommunicado without charge or trial ever since, despite national and international calls for information on their whereabouts.

Amnesty International considers these 11 detainees to be prisoners of conscience, detained solely for the peaceful expression of the political views. AI is concerned that they have not been charged with a recognizable criminal offense, and that they are being held incommunicado without access to their families, lawyers or an international humanitarian organization. Due to the harsh conditions of detention in Eritrea and the prisoners' being held in a secret and unauthorized place of detention, AI is concerned about the safety and treatment of the detainees, especially those with medical conditions. Thus, AI calls for their immediate and unconditional release.

Petros Solomon is being held in an unknown location and his current health conditions are unknown. He is the former Minister of Maritime Resources, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) military commander, head of EPLF intelligence and politbureau member since 1977.

Click here to view a sample letter to the editor regarding Petros' arrest.

To learn about Estifanos Seyoum, another G15 detainee, please check out Amnesty Group 22's website here.
