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Pre Italian colonialism in Eritrea, 1885




Compiled from facebooks and other resources

18 September at 07:10
  • Un fiero sciumbasci della cavalleria Eritrea "penne di falco"
  • Il forte di Akordat nel 1890-91
  • Trincee a Kassala, al confine tra Eritrea e Sudan 1897 ca.
Kassala fu originariamente creato come campo militare per i soldati ottomani del Viceré Egiziano Muhammad Ali nel 1840, durante la sua offensiva militare in Sudan. .
I Dervisci guidati dal Mahdi sconfissero gli Anglo Egiziani, avevano preso possesso dell'intero Sudan e avevano occupato anche Kassala nel 1885, effettuando varie incursioni contro le popolazioni del territorio occidentale che diventerà la colonia Eritrea nel 1890.
Un primo raid Derviscio era stato bloccato dalle truppe ascari, con uno scontro a fuoco ad Agordat nel 1890. Gli italiani rafforzarono le difese della città, collocando lì un presidio.
Dopo due anni, tuttavia, un nuovo raid di mille dervisci, sempre proveniente da Kassala, minacciò di nuovo Agordat, ma furono sconfitti a Serobeti da 120 ascari e 200 guerrieri Nara
L'emiro Ahmed Ali nel dicembre 1893 fece una campagna contro le forze italiane nel Sudan orientale e condusse circa 10-12.000 uomini ad est di Kassala. Questa forza incontrò 2.400 truppe coloniali eritree italiane ad Agordat e furono sconfitte.
Due Squadroni di cavalleria Eritrea "penne di falco" vengono impegnati in una carica nel combattimento e contribuiscono alla vittoria.
Nel 1894 Kassala fu occupata dagli italiani e nel 1897 fu ceduta agli inglesi, che nel frattempo erano tornati in Sudan. Le penne di falco dello squadrone Cheren vengono duramente impegnate nella presa di Cassala.
II confini occidentali dell'Eritrea vengono espansi e stabiliti come sono tuttora
La rivolta e l'occupazione del Sudan da parte dei Mahdisti hanno minacciato importanti interessi coloniali britannici in Egitto. Questo fu il motivo principale per cui si accordarono con gli italiani affinchè occupassero Massawa nel 1885, al fine di contrastare l'avanzata dei Dervisci.

A proud sciumbasci of eritrean cavalry "Hawk Pens"
The Fort of uncovered in 1890-91
Trenches in kassala, on the border between eritrea and Sudan 1897 CA.
Kassala was originally created as a military camp for ottoman soldiers of Egyptian Viceroy Muhammad Ali in 1840, during his military offensive in Sudan. .
The Dervishes LED by the mahdi defeated the Anglo Egyptians, had taken possession of the entire sudan and had also occupied kassala in 1885, making various raids against the populations of the western territory that will become the eritrean colony in 1890.
A first dervish raid had been blocked by the ascari troops, with a fire clash at agordat in 1890. Italians strengthened the defences of the city, placing there a presidium.
After two years, however, a new raid of a thousand dervishes, always coming from kassala, threatened again agordat, but were defeated in serobeti by 120 ascari and 200 Nara Warriors
Emir Ahmed Ali in December 1893 made a campaign against Italian forces in Eastern Sudan and led about 10-12.000 Men East of kassala. This force met 2.400 Italian colonial troops in agordat and were defeated.
Two Eritrean cavalry squadrons "Hawk Pens" are engaged in a charge in the combat and contribute to victory.
In 1894 Kassala was occupied by Italians and in 1897 was ceded to the British, who in the meantime were back in Sudan. The Hawk Pens of the squadron squadron are hard engaged in the grip of kassala.
The Western borders of eritrea are expanded and established as they are still
The Uprising and employment of Sudan by the mahdists threatened important British colonial interests in Egypt. This was the main reason why it was agreed with the Italians that they were able to fight in 1885, in order to counteract the advanced dervishes.


Stefano Pettini "the dervishes led by the mahdi defeated the Anglo Egyptians, had taken possession of the entire sudan and had also occupied kassala in 1885 making various raids in the eritrean territory". it may look like a fastidiousness and I know I have already expressed this concept on other , but I think you should find a way to explain historical events with terms that are not misleading. The Affirmation: ".... in 1885 making various raids in the eritrean territory..." creates the misunderstanding about the existence of eritrea in 1885. those raids did not happen in the eritrean territory, but in case in what would become in 1890 Eritrean Colony.


Mauro Ghermandi Stefano Pettini, about the affirmation that in the territory of current Eritrea: "there was no central government, there was no national identity" before the foundation of the eritrea colony. For more historical completeness should be added the following.
In the territory of the current eritrea there was a territorial entity medri bahri / bahr midir governed by the bahri negasi / Bahr Negash (King of the sea), Vassal of the Ethiopian Emperor. The first time that the title bahr negash appears is during the reign of emperor zara yaqob in the 15th century, which perhaps introduced that charge naturally seen the "Semiteocrazia" with the approval of the orthodox church.

The Kingdom of medri bahri was described by Francisco Alvares priest and ambassador of the Portuguese King in the early 1500.
The bahri negasi yeshak appears in the tales of the Portuguese landed in massawa led by cristóvão da gama in 1541 in the rescue of Emperor Gelawdeos, to fight against Imam Ahmed Grangn that from the sultanate of adal had invaded Ethiopia until arriving at today eritrea. Yeshak joined gelawdeos and the Portuguese in a decisive battle where the Imam was killed and his forces scattered.

When Emperor Gelawdeos died, the bahr negash yeshak rebelled to the new emperor to otttenere the throne of Ethiopia. At the same time the ottomans occupied massawa and invaded hamasien until debarwa, and then being rejected. Massawa remained under domino of the ottomans who designated the dominant families of the belew with the title of naib. The Naib were an autonomous entity under the control of the ottomans and ruled massawa and neighborhood until the arrival of the Egyptians in mid-1800.
Later the title of bahri negassi was no longer granted dalgli emperors Ethiopian and between the 2 Banks of the mareb there were periods of alliances and peace and others of conflicts, until atse tewodros ended the mezafint zemen (the turbulent period of conflict Of the era of princes lasted about 100 years), reunified Ethiopia and designated dejazmach haylu tewolde-Medhin (of the clan of tsazega historical enemy of the clan of hazega of Ras Woldemichael Solomon) Governor of hamasien, who was the last to stay faithful.

For correctness it must be added that the territory bahri territory was the Christian Plateau (Hamasien, akele guzay, seraye), although some sources say it was in certain periods more extended. Periodically in conflict with Muslim Nubian populations and with the sultanate of funji to the west.
It is true, however, that Italians have unified territories and populations under 2 or more political and religious domains. I enclose a realistic map of 1683


Samuel Manna Why are completely ignoring the period when Emperor Yohannes iv was ruling Ethiopia. Eritrea as a nation never existed before Yohannes. The name Eritrea was given to Northern Ethiopia after the Italians colonized it. Don’t try to confuse readers by distorting historical facts.
  • Mauro Ghermandi Samuel Manna Eritrea as a nation with current borders was created by the Italians, not Yohannes, there are no authoritative sources claiming what you wrote !
    Medri Bahri ruled by Bahri Negassi existed long before Yohannes but the territory under his rule was limited to Hamasien, Akele Guzay, Seraye.
    At that time, Massawa, Bogos and part of the lowlands were under Egyptian rule or influence.
    The period governed by Ras Alula, 1876-1889, is remembered for the raids and violence in the territories of the Muslims and the massacres of the Cunama and Nara
    Before accusing me of distorting historical facts, study this part of history better to fill your ignorance about it



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