Alazar Mesfin Former Governor of Keren


Alazar Mesfin Former Governor of Keren, arrested 23 October 2001; EPLF veteran. Awarded a Master’s degree at Syracuse University, US, 2000.
Thanks you friends for sending additional information! I hear also that Alazar Mesfin was Head of Eritrean Customs and Inland Revenue Department (ክፍሊ ኣታዊታት) at the time of his arrest. He was first "frozen" ( "ምድስካል) ( made some one jobless For an indefinite time to demoralize that person and to deny him/her from creating strong Network and bases of resistance) before his arrest. I also hear he was director of Revenues For Zoba Anseba. He was a quiet man with strong personality.
How do you know whether people are free or not? There are many measurement methods. One simple traingulation method is to read how people react to your posts. Post about Asmara buildings, films, jokes; then people jump on their keyboard to like what you have posted. Post about prisoners of conscience, then they run away from their keyboard. They don't want to be associated with the prisoners of conscience. They don't what the crime is of the prisoners of conscience. They have not heard their response to (false) allegations? They haven't been tried before an independent court of law. Like the regime they totally ignore them and their families. That is safe for them. But safe till when? Sooner or later every one of us should account here on earth and in the world to come. God and our conscience are calling: "Cain Where is Your Brother?", And by our action we are replying to God: "Am I my Brother's Keeper?"
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Millan Kundera (one of my favorites)
LEST WE FORGET THEM, our prisoners of concience, our brothers, sisters, our fathers, our mothers, our daughters, our sons, our religious leaders. Lest we forget them! This season is the season of new year and celebrations; but not for the countless prisoners of conscience in Eritrea. Not for their family members. Day and night, now for 10, 13, 15 or more years, they have been surviving like half-dead. They can't sleep normally, they can't eat normally, they can't live normally. Where is my daughter? Where is my son? Where is my father? Where is my mother? Where is my sister? Where is my brother? In what conditions are they in? Are they still alive?
Please share stories and pictures of Alazar.




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